Having a changed date property on Modules, Microflows, Entities, Attributes (SDK) - Mendix Forum

Having a changed date property on Modules, Microflows, Entities, Attributes (SDK)


So I've been working with the SDK every now and then, and a colleague came up with a good idea for checking change dates on branches and revisions. 

Example: Branches, Dev-User rev 200, with Dev-Login Line rev 205.
By checking the "last changed date" we can compare differences before merging them to the main line.
Merge example: First we merge Dev-Login (cause the story has been completed) to the main line.
However Dev-User completed a day later and had a change in one of the microflows/entities etc. that conflicted with Dev-Login. 
A developer merges and conflicts happens and /or changes are lost and the work has to be redone.

By adding this property to modules, flows, entities, attributes, etc. We can keep track of the changes and use an SDK program to compare them pre-merge.
Saving time, and money.  

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