What rights should a user have to able to manage story templates?

Hello,   Our product owner told us he would like to start working with story templates in Sprintr because normally he creates some default tasks for every story and this should be able to do faster. When he tried to manage story templates, he got an error saying that he has “unsufficient right and to contact the SCRUM master”.   I have two questions: Why can't a product owner with default product owner rights not manage story templates? What extra rights should a user have to be able to manage story templates?   Thanks in advance!   Kind regards, Mart  
1 answers

Hi Mart,

By default only Scrum Master can manage story templates. If you want this to be managed by Product Owner then, please select ‘App Settings’ as yes from edit column.
Note: if you set ‘App Settings’ edit to yes then this will give edit rights to update the app settings and security (SETTINGS > General and Security).


Hope this helps!
