how to redirect the user back to desired URL after login page

Hi All, I’ve created Link to one of my application page without using deeplink module like http://localhost:portnumber/p/pagename/GUID with this i can open the desired page if i logged in application if not it will open the login page,after login it should go to desired page but it redirect the home page of application. Please guide me in this, Thanks  
2 answers

after the login in mendix you are automatically redirected to the home page, you can either change your homepage, or if it’s not possible, when the user is entering in the homepage you can redirect him wherever you want(with a microflow if it’s a mendix page, or with the html snippet or the url redirector module if it’s not a mendix page)



Please check the module documentation:

It describes how the homepage navigation flow for logged in users should look like so it redirects you to the content related to the deeplink.

With kind regards,

