Output PDF in Japanese

After designing a document template and creating a function to export a report in PDF/Word format.  When I tried to export a Japanese value to the report in PDF format.  the exported Japanese value was「####」. I looked up the solution and implemented it as below but it didn't work.  Download mika font file  Copy “fop.xconf “ file inside the installation folder  Paste the  “fop.xconf “ file and mika font file into the project's resource folder Then, I opened fop.xconf in a text editor and added this <font kerning="yes" embed-url="mika.ttf">     <font-triplet name="mika" style="normal" weight="normal"/> </font>. After defining the custom style as "font-family:mika"  in the japanese part of the export Document Template,  I restarted my application and tried to download the PDF  but it didn’t work. This error message appeared on  the console : -- Could not load FOP library config file: The markup in the document Following the root element must be well-formed. The following root element must be well-formed. be loaded. --- Connector error and Client error occurred as well.  Is there something wrong with my procedure ?
2 answers

The setup that you have looks like it should work. You can find a working example (with Arial font) in this blog post maybe you can compare and see where are the differences


What is it that makes you use mikafont? I don't think it's a font that Japanese people use in business.

You should add some libraries as Japanese font.
