OQL with sub inquery

Hi  I’ve got another question: when I retrieve column from sub inquery, system throw below error: “Executing query with old implementation due to detected exception in new implementation: Select columns with a sub query may only contain a * identifier.” any hint why it happens?   select temp/ProductCode as newProductCode, temp/Description as newDescription, sum(temp/AvailableQTY) as newAvailableQTY, sum(temp/RemainQTY) as newRemainQTY  from  (select  Product/ProductCode as ProductCode,  Product/Description as Description,  StockCodeT/StockCode as stockCode,  Stock/AvailableQTY as AvailableQTY, sum(PoLine/backorderQTY) as RemainQTY from MyFirstModule.POLine as PoLine Inner join PoLine/MyFirstModule.POLine_CustomerProductCode/MyFirstModule.CustomerProductCode/MyFirstModule.CustomerProductCode_StockCode/MyFirstModule.StockCode/MyFirstModule.StockCode_Stock/MyFirstModule.Stock as Stock Inner join Stock/MyFirstModule.StockCode_Stock/MyFirstModule.StockCode as StockCodeT Inner join StockCodeT/MyFirstModule.StockCode_Product/MyFirstModule.Product as Product group by Product/ProductCode, Product/Description,StockCodeT/StockCode, Stock/AvailableQTY) as temp group by temp/ProductCode,temp/Description
1 answers

The error says the teh select columns only accept * in this case. Try: “select temp/* from  ...etc…”. that will probably give a result.

