Slowness while computing Totals.

  Hello . We have developed a timesheet application  enter and maange timsheets.  When user enter hours and tabs out on the time entry page, we have a nanoflow on change event of hour field to calculate line total and grand total.   We are observing performance slowness while computing the totals with 40 or more lines . The total is saved in a persistent entity ( not commited) and hence we are seeing "RequestStatistics" warning message in the  logs.    As per documentation (  it seems we need to set value for  com.mendix.webui.StateSizeWarningThreshold .   Our app is deployed on azure cloud ( modeller 8.6.2) , does anyone know how to set the value on azure cloud. We have tried mutiple formats  (customruntime.MXRUNTIME_com.mendix.webui.StateSizeWarningThreshold , customruntime.MXRUNTIME_StateSizeWarningThreshold or customruntime.MXRUNTIME_com_mendix_webui_StateSizeWarningThreshold) but its not working as we still see the threshold  as 100.  We are not  sure if warning is  causing slowness or we can ignore it.  Any help will be greatly appreicated.  Thanks.  Error from Logs : Request state size of 328 objects exceeds the threshold of 100 objects. Request details: type 'RequestHandlingUtil$' in session 'a3be8410-a49d-4225-88ea-beea7228e60e'. State consists of: * Approval.ApprovalCenterHelper (NPE): 1 objects * Employee.Balance: 2 objects * Employee.EmployeeWorkInfo: 4 objects * Main.DashboardHelper (NPE): 1 objects * TimeSheet.Filter (NPE): 3 objects * TimeSheet.Hour: 259 objects * TimeSheet.Root (NPE): 1 objects * TimeSheet.SortingHelper (NPE): 1 objects * TimeSheet.TimeSheet: 1 objects * TimeSheet.TimeSheetRow: 37 objects     
1 answers

If you invite me ( to that project, I will straighten it out for you. 
