Administrator lost the right to see other users and their attributes

Why can my administrator no longer read the users and their attributes like last-login, IsActive, IsBlocked? It has lost its magic rights. Magic rights? Yep, When starting any new app, in 8.9.0, and all previous version, the administrator has read rights for all objects in System.User. Creating a page always shows this: Does anybody know what makes administrator have the rights to see these users and attributes. It does not comply with the accessrules of entity System.User:  So can anybody tell me what makes the administrator get to read all users and its attributes? And in my current project tell me what to do to give my administrator those rights again.  
2 answers

This has been the case since a LOOOOONG time.

In the user role setting user management the access you mention is organized


When you navigate Security > User Roles > Administrator, are the user roles selected for user management accordingly?


