Tasks List View

Hi, I have some tasks in home page. If I select to any tasks respective task list should open . How to do it??..Help me out
2 answers

Hi Shaik,

I suggest taking a look at the training videos/exercises on the Mendix Academy page: https://gettingstarted.mendixcloud.com/. It'll take some time going through them, but in the end it will save a lot of time and frustrations.

I'm suggesting these since your question is regarding very basic functionality: connecting a page (or microflow that will open a page/popup) as an on-click action for an element or to be shown/triggered when selecting a button is very simple:

Good luck!



Hi Shaik,

I can think two ways to do this.

1 – As Wieke said before, you can open a new page. This page can have a popup layout, and you will have what you want.

2- You can use a dataview of type “Listen to Widget” configured to listen to this task list. Inside this dataview, you can retrieve the list of that selected task;

Hope it helps.
