Yes. You can use the Excel Importer module from the app store to quickly load data into your application. You can find that module here:
Hello mike thx for the hint.
I`m now implement the excel importer module in my app and it works.
But i have one problem i have an entity whit some atrributes (shown in the picture below)
When i do an excel update only three data are updatete and two are empty?
i configure the Excel importer whit the ExcelImporter.Templates_Overview Site
But the Mounting Attribute is also an Enum and there it works whit the import!
Thx for the hint.
I add the under line in my excel file and now works!
I don`t kown why the under line comes in the Enum Attribute, maybe from the first excel import !?
And is there also a possibility to delete the whole database?