How to call a microflow on a tab click?

I have a tab widget, I need to call a microflow when user clicks on a tab (different microflows for different tabs). How can I implement it?
2 answers

I don’t think you can call a microflow on tab change.  When I needed to do something similar in the past, I used a series of microflow buttons styled to look like tabs. 


Hi Maxim,

Not support from the core widgets. Mike’s suggestion would be a good, to style buttons like a tab.

On other creative way, it to have a data view with a data source microflow in the tab. Set the tab the property “Refresh on show” this might trigger more often than you want….

If you are into widgets, you might be be able to extend this widget. I am willing to accepting a good pull requests. and publish it.

Cheers, Andries
