Create an App with Advanced Page Building - Adding Custom Styling is not working

I have followed the step-by-step guide on how to download Gulp exactly in module 3.7.1 and I keep getting stuck at step 3 “Preparing Your App Project”. I opened my app project directory and unpacked the file into my main app project folder (Expenses-main_3) like it says. The issue occurs at step three when it states, “Open Windows PowerShell as an administrator:” I open PowerShell and it automatically looks different than the picture of code provided, and when I try to type the first line of code that is wanted which is the address from the main project folder it gives an error message. I can not continue on to the next steps that are asked to be performed, first off because I can not get the previous step to work and secondly because the lines of code that are shown in the images do not appear on my screen in Windows PowerShell. This is my second time reinstalling all of the apps that are presented in the step-by-step guide. I am lost as to what to do next in order to fix this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
1 answers

Hi Natalia,

Please can you share what error you are getting? Maybe you its just issue with the command you are entering. 

Also, you can use Calypso instead of gulp which has a good UI and is more user friendly. So, try to install and use Calypso and ignore the steps about gulp in the learning path. 


Hope this helps!
