Problems with Deeplink URL changing

I've just installed the Deeplink module and am having problems using links. I have followed the steps in the instructions to create a startup micoflow, and have set up a link configuration to use. I do NOT have guest access allowed. I try to go to a link like http://localhost:8088/link/OpenTicket/1000002 and it prompts me to log in, but after the login the URL has been changed to http://localhost:8088//link/OpenTicket/1000002 and I get an error: 404 - file not found for file: /link/OpenTicket/1000002 Note that after the login, the URL has changed to add a second / before link/OpenTicket... This happens in IE8, but in Firefox the URL displayed remains unaltered, but the error received is the same. However, if I am ALREADY logged in to the client and paste this URL, the ticket opens correctly, so the issue seems to be that the URL is being changed during the login process. Is anyone else having this issue, or am I doing something wrong? The eventual aim is to include the link in email notifications so users can go directly to the ticket concerned. They may not already be logged in.
2 answers

Hi David,

This is a bug in the deeplink module we found only recently ourselves. A new version should be on the AppStore soon.

For now, you could fix the java action with the following change.

Change line 275 in in your javasource/deeplink/actions from:

args.put("url", request.getResourcePath();


args.put("url", request.getResourcePath().substring(1));

A new version has been released (1.3), in which the issue should have been solved.

Further changes are:

  1. Fixed issue with wrong url after login (see
  2. Added constant to configure the index page of an application, which is useful in combination with SSO (see
  3. Fixed an issue concerning an illegal state
  4. Updated to rc2, especially the security settings.