Is it possible to export a csv with a specialization from the Account entity?

I was trying to export a csv from an input object whose 2 of its columns were refering to a specialization of the Account entity, but everytime I select an attribute from the specialization entity it crashes and brings up the following error:    Caused by: com.mendix.datastorage.handler.QueryHandlingException: Entity 'General.Employee' is not a generalization nor specialization of entity 'General.ArchivedRegistration' while traversing association 'General.ArchivedRegistration_Account' from 'a0cb15828' and can't find entity by name 'a0cb15828' in domain model and can't find association with name 'a0cb15828' in entities 'aee294b26' (alias for 'General.ArchivedRegistration'), 'a0cb15828' (alias for 'Administration.Account') while parsing path 'a0cb15828/General.ArchivedRegistration_Account/General.Employee' But the employee is indeed a specialization of the Account entity.. Does anyone have any idea of what it might be or how to bypass this without having to write the attributes I need on the Account entity?  Thank you in advance
1 answers

How are you trying to export CSV?  Sounds like maybe you need to synchronize your model using Model Reflection in order to have the entity General.Employee available for export.  If that’s not the case, perhaps it is a permissions issue.
