Add user without mail

Hello, Is it possible to add a new app user without mendix logins ? Juste like “Admin/admin” or something else... Thanks you :)
6 answers

I dont think there is, the invite that you would be sending needs to be an email adress. What are you trying to achieve exactly?


My application will be free access, i just need 3 users (admin,validator,approver) and i wanted to have the same user/password for all validator, approver or admin.

Like, if you want to access to the validator part in the website you have to connect using the username “validator” and password “123”… Not to have to connect using your mendix account.


I hope you understand me ? Thanks you


Ah right, you mean to users for the application you are developing. In that case, yes it is possible to create users without an email adress but just a username. With the default administration module that is in Mendix you can just create users with a username.


Can you tell me where to do this ?

And i installed MendixSSO so i have to uninstall MendixSSO and install back AppCloudUsers ?


Yes, you can. To do so you need to have a page for maintaining your users: User_Overview and User_NewEdit. 

Several ways to create those pages: 

  • -By using Generate Overview pages. First, copy-paste System.User to another module, there: right-click the Mymodule.User and select Generate Overview Pages and on User_Overview and User_NewEdit set the Datasource to System.User
  • By installing module Systemmanagement, which provides this exact service
  • By installing the default Administration module, which does the same but is far worse in quality and is more confusing (see here)

Thanks you for your help.

 I found, have a nice day !
