Hi All, Can someone guide me on how should i create this chart by importing excel file?

I have downloaded excel importer and mx model reflection. TIA
2 answers

The forum is here to help you and not build your problem for you so this is a bit of a too broad question. First try to import your data. If you have problems with that edit your question and tell us the steps you took and where you have problems. Then try to comprehend how to build charts in Mendix. There are a lot of forum post about it and some of the chart modules have complete demo projects on how to build up your data. Again if you run into problems show us the steps you took and where you run into problems.





Nevertheless, we can send you some documentation: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/charts-configuration#1-introduction, and a couple of months ago a found a very nice charts-example that you can download its .mpk here. I cannot remember where I originally got it from. 
