please guide to achieve data import from excel

i have one table producer and i want two operations on this  add data using new button in table add data through  excel file and i refer this study material... now as per study document u can see below image that i create one enumeration Producer_excelImporter in personal collection table.  and i Download the Excel Importer and Mx Model Reflection modules from the Mendix App     in below image u can see i have producer entity where i want extra add button which brows  excel file and it reflect in this table   after study i didn’t understand how to connect my table or my producer entity to this procedure excel import now i Create pages for the ExcelImportOverview and the MxObjects_Overview just for see what is operations and all stuff ..  but this all is very deep and i cant  understand exactly . i just simply want  button which browse excel data and import data into my table
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