How to define your scheduled events in my production config file?

How to define your scheduled events in my production config file? I see this values: #The following options can only be set here: #PersistentSessions: false #ScheduledEventExecution: ?! #MyScheduledEvents: ?! What have I to fill in to let all my scheduled events just work?
1 answers

Hey herbert,

You can activate your schedules events on a production server by changing the settings as such:

#The following options can only be set here:
 #PersistentSessions: false
 ScheduledEventExecution: SPECIFIED
 MyScheduledEvents: MyFirstModule.MyScheduledEvent1, ADifferentModule.SomeOtherEvent

You can also set ScheduledEventExecution to ALL to activate them all. Don't forgot to remove the '#' and leave 1 space in front of it.
