Edit login page - mendix pro

Dear Support, my group and I are currently working on an app with the web version of Mendix. While trying to create and edit the login page we got the notification that that’s only possible with the MendixPro Version, could we get a conformation that this is true. We already reached out to our Professor who told us that the Pro version wouldn’t be necessary. So an confirmation or an correction of our statement would be really appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards   Chinduja
2 answers

If you want to edit the default Mendix login page, you will need to edit the HTML file directly. I dont know if you can get that from Mendix Studio. However, it is not advised to do this. 

The best way to go would be to create your own custom login page, which you then can style any way you like.


Yes this is true, it got changed in recent updates, I don’t remember exact version, but it was changed post 8.XX. 

In recent versions, you have yo edit using studio pro
