Which actions, expressions cant handle null values?

It seems that ther e are a few actions, expressions that can't handle null values and generate errors in the XAS log files and cause microflows used as webservices to generate internal server errors. examples are formatdatetime and list operation + contains. Is there a list of these actions/expressions so i can check null values before using these expressions/actions?
3 answers

I have three typical causes where null pointer exceptions occur:

  1. Change activities which 'null' values (after an retrieve which returns unexpected null for example)
  2. Date comparisons, when the date is null.
  3. List comparisons indeed.

So those three should be preceded with an empty check. Point 3 is a bug i think, should its worth submitting a bug report in the partner portal. Point 2 is disputable, but in my opinion date comparisons should always return false if the date is empty. But some people might find this confusing, so i guess that will stay as is.


another classic, again, fails with an empty date:

formatDateTime($TrialMember/TrialEndDate, 'd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss')


I am currently getting a null error when using the GetCaption() function on Enums.I am currently getting a null error when using the GetCaption() function on Enums.
