Control changing background color of buttons after click and switch a cursor from them

Hi all, I’m looking for the way to control the background color of buttons after I click them and switch a cursor from them. As far as I know, the buttons' background color changes from base color to same as border color after click them and switch a cursor from them. I would like to change this situation like the background color never changes from base color after click. For example…. This pic is showing my troublesome situation. I would like to make the background color back as color of before click(not red, but white). I’ve already tried by CSS, but it didn’t work at all. I would be glad about any help. Thank you  
1 answers

You Have to use the Javascript Snippet widget.


First Define Your Button Background CSS class in the custom.css file.Add OnClick Event Handler on Javascript Snippet Widget based on button classname and on click add  your background class to button.
