How to get the data fetched from by a Publish REST Service in Consume RESTService

I have a requirement to read data from a DB2 database and store it into a mendix persistant table. I had tried many ways but it did not work. But I am trying to read all required data from a Publish Rest Service and Consume this data from another consume REST service.   I am able to read the data and publish it on a server but I am not able to read this data in a consume rest service.  Screen Shot of data published by Publish REST Service:   Below is the details of the Consume Rest Service:         Kindly suggest.    
2 answers


There is some issue in response type of your published rest service. That’s why when you try to consume it, you are not getting exact result.


The first thing that stands out is that the content type of the service is application/jason. Shouldn’t it be application/json?

But I don’t think that’s the problem. What do your import mapping and JSON snippet look like?
