upgrade to 7.23.15 versions are failing to commit to source control

I am trying to upgrade my version to 7.23.8 from 7.23.0, when it download all data from source control it failed to sync with web modeler and then do not checkin anything in source control. when i try to upgrade web modeler it give below error    while committing i am getting below error    My ultimate goal is ot upgrade to version 8, but i am trying step by step upgrade.
2 answers

Check if you are able to connect to the team repository of your application (maybe by trying to update/commit a version which is already working or hitting the teamserver repo url like mentioned in this post: https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/102779 ). I have migrated few apps but without any issues. General issues are provided in the documentation here, but don't see any error from what you posted. Do you get an error description?

Alternatively, check if this post helps: https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/8822

Hope this helps.


Thanks Radhika for answer, I have tried all the mentioned steps, but it didnt resolve the issue. I created branch from main line and tried to commit it and that worked, the only issue i have is my web modeler is not connected with my app. Its not even upgrading, its not providing any logs also.
