Ignore auditing of an attribute in AuditTrail

  How to ignore changes to any attribute of an entity in AuditTrail?   I am using Mendix Studio Pro 8.11.1.
4 answers

You probably want to skip the logging of technical / UI needed attributes? What I normally do is give those attributes an underscore prefix in the domain model. In the before commit action in the AuditTrailSuperclass entity add after the Java action a retrieve to get all created LogLines. Iterate over them and delete all LogLines created for those attributes by checking whether they start with the underscore prefix.

Not the most neat solution but guaranteed to work! More optimal in terms of performance would be to alter the Java action, but then your app will become harder to maintain, since the AuditTrail module can’t be easily updated from the AppStore anymore..


AFAIK it's not possible to configure which attributes to monitor or to ignore in the current AuditTrail. Which would be a nice addition...


Based upon the documentation (link) only object that have AuditTrail.AudittrailSuperClass as superclass (and where the commit is done with an event) are saved. 



is it always the same attribute you want to ignore? Is it the users password?

