When does Mendix ID come into picture?

I am ramping up on MX. When I use Studio Pro I login with Mendix ID.  However, when I run applications locally, I see some user accounts. I don’t think that these accounts are in the Mendix ID. My Question: Is Mendix ID only used when authoring applications using Mendix Studio or Pro or Mendix IDP is also used by users who use the Mendix applications? Is there any blog/documentation around using Mendix ID to authenticate users of Mendix applications?  
1 answers

In Mendix you have local accounts that are only inside the application or you could use accounts from Mendix. See the documentation here: https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/modules/mendix-sso#1-introduction

So when creating users for your application you have a choice on what kind of account you want. Most applications would use local accounts I think.



