com.mendix.core.StorageService Question

Just reading through the Cloud Platform release notes and have a question regarding com.mendix.core.StorageService. This is one of the Custom Settings that are now available in Mendix cloud environments. My question is what happens if I set this to S3 storage for an app environment that currently uses local storage. Will the platform transition all of the current documents in the app over to S3?
2 answers

The reference guide says:

Defines which storage service module will be used. The storage service module takes care of storing the actual files asssociated with 'System.FileDocument' objects, such as uploaded files. Possible values are currently '' and ''.

My guess is that it just switches the usage and does not transfer files for you. But if you want to make sure, just contact Mendix support. And please let us know here. ;-)


As you probably guessed, no, changing the storage settings will not migrate the data. You will need to do that yourself.
