Sustain the view on page change

HI Everyone , I have one scenario in my application which i want to discuss here . I have first landing page that have some input fields and a button which call a service based on the input fields and shows the result on next page . I want that if user go back on the input page with the back button then previously filled input should be there . Is there any way by which i can manage this scenario ?  
1 answers

Yes for sure this is possible, couple of ways to do it. For example:

1. You use an entity with the input fields on the landing page and you associatie this to the entity that is shown in the result page. Then if you click on the back button you retrieve the object over association and show it on the landing page again.

2. You use an entity with the input fields on the landing page, you pass this entity on to the result page. And show the results over association with this entity. Then on the back button you pass the entity back to  the landing page.

3. You use an entity with the input fields on the landing page. On click of the button you commit the object. When returning with the back button you can retrieve the object from database and pass it on to the landing page.
