Associated Data fetch

HI Everyone I have condition in my application where i have a field “Zone” and one field as “Offices” . The data of these fields i have to upload from excel .  Each zone have 5-6 sales offices and the final output should be : if i will select one zone in input field than in offices fields i should only show corresponding sales offices not the entire list . Can someone help me how can we achieve this .
1 answers

Hi Shivam,

I would suggest this:

  • 1 entity for Zone
  • 1 entity for Offices
  • 1 association between Zone and Offices

For the Excel importer use a validation flow where you check if the zone already exists (GetOrCreate flow). If the Zone exists, fill the association with the Office. Do this for every zone and office and then you’ll be able to use (for example) a Reference selector on a page where you only see the associated Offices per Zone.

With this setup you need to hve a line for every Office in you Excel file, otherwise it won’t work. Hope this helps you.

With kind regards,
Bryan de Wit
