Mobile Access to an App

Hi everyone. I have just created my first Mendix App and I don’t know how to directly access the App from my mobile device. The only way I know how to do this is by going into Mendix Studio (or the PRO version) and scanning the QR from there, but I’m not sure how to access it while on the go. Thanks. 
2 answers


I would recommend you to go through this :



Although Srilatha provided you with very useful reading material, be aware that it covers hybrid mobile apps where you are probably trying to build a native app. So first check your app-type by going to Studio Pro, in project explorer on the left go to project → navigation. There are two tabs: ‘Responsive’ and ‘Hybrid’ or ‘Native’. You can have all three if you like and add or delete them at will. ‘Responsive’ contains the menu for your web-application.

If you have ‘Native’ and you want to access it on your phone, you need to:

  1. Build your app. Make sure you have Studio Pro 8.15 or higher and click on ‘Project’ → ‘Build native mobile app’. Fill out all parameters and click the button ‘Build’. it will take 15 minutes and result in an APK. More info on the parameter values here: (NB. this is for the CLI, command line interface. There is no docs for this UI version yet)
  2. Transport the generated APK to your mobile. There is more than one way to do that, a) you can receive APK’s via mail, download the attached APK, and double-click it. b) You can place them on a web-server somewhere, download them from there. c) You can connect your mobile with a USB-cable to your laptop and use the Android debug bridge to give this command from powershell: ‘adb install C:\...\...yourdir...\yourapp.apk’. Option c, once installed, works best.