Evaluation & Learning curve

Hi i am in the midst of evaluating the right LDAP for my team; we wanted to adopt this direction as part of our transformation exercise; however we do not have the luxury of time to learn; how might we jumpstart my team’s learning by engaging an expert to help with the first project ? or have someone whom we can go to for help whenever we encounter any problems; our immediate need is to develop a retail store visit module with forms, scheduler, feedbacks, analytics, etc. all built in…. we are given 6 weeks to deliver this. do you think its achievable with Mendix tool?  
2 answers

Anything is possible, but whatever you do i think you need an expert on Mendix development for any first attempt at Mendix in an organisation that is unfamiliar with Mendix. If one is not available to you, check out the mendix partner-section of this website, there are many available.

Evaluation and implementation of an LDAP from scratch is very ambitious in a six weeks time scale. Although LDAP is not technically very complex, the organisational impact can be significant and need implementation time. Maybe start without ldap?


I’d say the learning curve is pretty steep and you can see results quickly. however, I highly recommend looking into the Mendix learning paths as well as the dev-best-practices  .  The Mendix community is pretty active and – especially if you know what exactly you are going for – delivers great solutions here in the forum.

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