OData link problem

My application exposes the data of several object types using the OData service. This has been working fine. After deploying recent changes (all of which work fine in development) the OData link from Excel for just 1 object type has stopped working with the message: DataFormat.Error: OData: The given URL neither points to an OData service or a feed: 'https://fin……………..mendixcloud.com/odata/Client_Case/Client_Cases'. The URL works fine for all of the other object types, it is just the linkage to this one ‘Client_Cases’ object type where the link won’t establish. The OData service to ‘Client_Cases’ works fine in the development environment. Any suggestions on how to solve this will be gratefully recieved.
2 answers

Does the user have the same user rights on both environments?



I finally resolved this. It was caused by not handling a null object association within the App, once this was resolved the OData connected. The initial OData error message was rather confusing and sent me off on the wrong track. However, solved now and a bit wiser. Thanks
