Hello all,
It seems that, despite the fact the Docker file comments that MDA is one of the ways acceped to generate Docker image files, I guess that it's not possible indeed…
When you try to execute the command below, with the *.mda in the ./project folder
docker build --build-arg BUILD_PATH=./project/app.mda -t mendix/docker_app .
we get the error below:
1.141 Traceback (most recent call last):
1.141 File "/opt/mendix/buildpack/./compilation.py", line 101, in <module>
1.141 replace_cf_dependencies()
1.141 File "/opt/mendix/buildpack/./compilation.py", line 37, in replace_cf_dependencies
1.141 mx_version = runtime.get_runtime_version("/opt/mendix/build")
1.141 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1.141 File "/opt/mendix/buildpack/buildpack/core/runtime.py", line 121, in get_runtime_version
1.141 raise Exception("No model/metadata.json or .mpr found in archive")
1.141 Exception: No model/metadata.json or .mpr found in archive
by inspecting the python code, seems that it's not expecting a *.mda whatsoever
So that only the MPR file is accepted…
However, as you mentioned, if you open a terminal and run the command below in the docker-mendix-buildpack folder, with your mendix source copied to the ./project folder, it works
docker build -t mendix/docker-app:1.0 .
By looking carefuly in the python code, notice that the code is trying to create a filename using "model” and “metadata.json”…
And these files are inside the MDA…
So, if you extract the contents of the MDA file inside the <docker-mendix-buildpack>/.project folder and run the docker build command again, it will work !!
And much faster than when using the MPR !!
Hope this helps...
Hi vijayakumar t,
Did you succeed in generating the docker image from the .mda file?
Hi Vinicius, when you unzip the MDA or MPK into the project folder it will work. The documentation states
BUILD_PATH indicates where the application model is located. It is a root directory of an unzipped .MDA or .MPK file. In the latter case, this is the directory where your .MPR file is located. Must be within build context. Defaults to ./project