Published Project Template is not reflecting in Starter Apps

Hi Experts, I have created my own project template and published in the private app store successfully without any errors. But i couldn’t able to see the designed project template under Starter Apps. But i can see in the app store. Do i need to do any other stuffs in order to reflect this. Appreciate your help on this. In this category, i have published this : Thanks in advance, Srilatha
2 answers

I'm guessing you already checked the docs,

Make sure the content is published, and not still in draft and make sure you are signed in within your Studio Pro with the correct account (if you have multiple). The dots beneath the starter apps (if there are any) are to go the a next page where your template might be hidden.


Seems like it’s an refresh issue, now i can able to see it under Starter apps. Thanks for looking into this Sjors Schultz.
