Scheduled events dont trigger if set to NON-UTC time zone

I set up a scheduled event to call a microflow. I also added a button to call the same microflow, I set the server and scheduling time zones to run on EST time as you can see When I push to acceptance, verify that in the Model Options that the schedule is on (both current vaule and enbled set to true), and run the remote debugger… I re-enable the breakpint inside the microflow. When I click the button, the microflow executes (the breakpoint is hit). When the Time (in this case as you can see here the last was 9:40am EST), the microflow didn’t get executed. The goal is to have it run every week at the same time Monday mornings so I had it run with 1/Week interval with the current date starting time. I set it to 1 week back. I set it to 7/days, etc, etc. Nothing I do triggers it.  THEN I tried switching it to run at UTC (adding 5 hours for the offset between EST here in the USA and UTC). And sure enough, it ran.  Is there a reason that scheduled events dont work when setting the server’s time to EST and scheduling the events to run at EST? This seems to happen in both acceptance and prod
1 answers

Scheduled events will only run on server time, or UTC time. All other times are irrelevant. The server time is the timezone where your server is physically located. You will have to set your offset based on these two options.

Servertime is  best suited for on-premise servers, since there is no guarantee for servertime in the cloud.


In the project settings there is an option to set a scheduled event timezone  . This affects time zone-related operations, such as parsing and formatting dates from/to strings and obtaining the beginning of the current day, but not the time of the event itself.
