How to Clean?

Hi,  I received the following information from a support ticket, but I don’t understand what they are referring to when explaining to ‘clean’.  Can someone provide some insight on that? Here is the response:  Per the logs, I notice that the concerned action is at line 27080 which led to the error at line 27089. I believe that is, in turn, leading to the errors at lines 27211, 27319 and 27363. About it, please read the following documents, clean and redeploy. Specifically, Oracle does not support unlimited strings or strings with a specified size greater than 2000 characters when using the equal (=) or not equal (!=) operators in XPath constraints. Thanks!
2 answers

He Jessica,

Clean in combination with Redeploy makes me think they refer to Clean Deployment Directory. No idea if that makes sense for you ...


I think they might be referring to cleaning up your data so that it is compliant with the limits of an Oracle database, as explained in the documentation you refer to.

But why don't you ask them for a clarification?
