Merge Cells in Document Generation on the basis of Entity values

Hi Team,   I wanted to merge rows on the basis of entity values , like If we have same values for some rows with respect to particular column, I want to merge them into a single row and show that value once. Is there any way I can do that ? Or else Is there any way to differentiate rows in different colors on the basis of some column value?  
4 answers

He Shilpa,

Would you be able to share some visuals of what you want to achieve?

The row merge could be implemented by leaving a cell empty when the value in the previous row is the same. You need a copy entity (non-persistent) to determine the values to show to the user. The Microflow filling the copy entity should be able to empty a value based on the value in the previous row. This assumes the order of rows is set and it is not possible to filter out rows.

In Mendix 8.14, dynamic classes were introduced. Styling the rows in different colors, you may try to use this feature.

Hope this helps :-)



in this ESN Code column both the rows have same value “Table” and I tried making the second  value empty as suggested  but rows are not merged for this Column yet .Any suggestions

My Mendix Version is 8.6.6. Also I am using data grid



this is what I want As address and Gender  is same for both rows I have merged that row but it is separate for status so they are kept separated 



He Shilpa,

Below pictures how I use dynamic styling, stored on an object called Content. This is part of a custom Mendix CMS. I needed the user to be able to dynamicallty style the content.

Picture below shows the HTML and CSS for a page element. The link-in-a-box and padding-15px are classes that were dynamically added, by choices the user made on the website.


The picture below is the result of styling.


And below you see a snippet and the dynamically added classes, as retrieved from the Content object.
