Is there any custom way to change the theme color

     hellow,I'm going to make a theme change feature in my project, But this was my first encounter with Mendix. Can you give me some simple ideas
2 answers

Hi Foredawn,

You can see this reference and


Hi Foredawn,

You can change the default colour settings in the _custom-variables.scss file in your theme folder (as explained here: However, if I read your question correctly, you want to change the theme in your running application (e.g. switching from light- to dark-mode)? 

This is a little bit more tricky, but you could try using a widget which allows dynamically (based on micro- and/or nanoflow logic) adding classes ( or dynamically load extra CSS files into your page (which contains a specific theme setting): or

It depends on your specific use case which widget you should use.

Good luck and happy holidays.

