Flaws on the Mendix website

I've noticed some flaws on the Mendix website and I'm wondering whether it's just me or anyone else has noticed this as well. Some flaws I have noticed: There is a complete my profile badge, but I can't find a way to actually “complete my profile”, also cannot find any information on when a profile is complete. Does anyone know how to receive this badge? Every time I go to e.g. the Academy or to support, I'm logged out and need to log in again. There is a point system, as described on https://docs.mendix.com/developerportal/mendix-profile/#9-activity under section 7: leaderboard. I've noticed, however, than I do not receive points in that matter. For instance, creating a new app does not give me any points. Creating userstories and inviting friends also does not give me any points. I want to link my meetup account with my mendix account, but this does not seem to work. Everytime I try I get the message that it succeeded and I can close the tab, but still nothing has happened. There are challenges to earn credits. When I finish a challenge, I can click on claim credits. If I do so, the popup page keeps loading (but never fully loads), and I do not earn my credits. Under the leader board I the pictures of others are “broken” (do not show). Sometimes when I try to download an app, I get errors. If I immediately try again, it does work however.   There used to be a feedback button on the right side of the browser where I could give feedback, but this has been removed so I'm also not sure how to forward these points to Mendix itself. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Creating a ticket requires me to link it to an application, which would not make sense. If you know the answer to any these “flaws”, please let me know.
6 answers

Very recognizable flaws, these flaws are in the site for quite some time now.

I assume Mendix is aware of these issues, but it never hurts to send them to Mendix via support.mendix.com.

The more people report them, the sooner Mendix may be willing to fix them.


The flaws are indeed not solvable from our side, outside of Mendix. Best option is indeed creating a ticket and yes, you do need to assign an application, but you can harmlessly assign any application of choice. Mendix will handle it anyway.


Hi all,

I would like to share an update on these points that I got from the Mendix team:

1. There is a complete my profile badge, but I can't find a way to actually “complete my profile”, also cannot find any information on when a profile is complete.

We are happy that you have made us aware of this. This message is outdated and we will make sure it gets changed. 

2. Every time I go to e.g. the Academy or to support, I'm logged out and need to log in again. 

This is a known issue for the RnD team that is responsible. They are working on a new version of the developer portal that will no longer require the double in-logging. 

3. Point system does not work correctly

The points are not calculated in realtime. Our technical specialist has looked into your points but concluded that you have received points for various activities such as 'completing learning paths' or 'inviting friends'. Perhaps your points were not updated at that moment but they got added afterward?

Also, our teams are performing user-experience research at the moment and will include your feedback regarding the points. Thanks again for sharing!

4. I want to link my meetup account with my mendix account, but this does not seem to work. Everytime I try I get the message that it succeeded and I can close the tab, but still nothing has happened. 

This button is 'broken' indeed. Our team is working on a fix as we speak. I will update you on its progress. 

5. There are challenges to earn credits. When I finish a challenge, I can click on claim credits. If I do so, the popup page keeps loading (but never fully loads), and I do not earn my credits. 

I have asked the team responsible to look into this and check if your credits are as expected. Expectation management-wise; this task has a lower priority than the others so might take a while. 

6. Under the leader board, the pictures of others are “broken” (do not show). 

We have extensively checked this but can not reproduce this behavior. For us, the pictures are shown for the ones that have uploaded a profile picture. Can you try if this still persists for you using a different browser?

7. Sometimes when I try to download an app or mendix studio pro, I get errors. If I immediately try again, it does work however.

This is linked to point 2 about logging-in to separate parts of our developer platform. We truly understand that this is something that we need to fix in order to enhance our user experience and are working on it. For now, reloading the page should do the trick. 


This just happened to me today too. The credit system is not working well for me. I created stories and accepted feedback but they are not being counted. I cleared the cache, signed out, signed in, but still nothing. I am also unable to connect my Meetup account to Mendix. Wondering if you ever found a solution to any of these. 


I've created a ticket for these points and will keep you informed on their reply. Hopefully they will give an estimation of when it will be fixed.


Yes I have also experienced all of these flaws in the Mendix site and it’s been pretty much time since these issues are there and not fixed yet by Mendix team. Another issue that I see is:

  • In My Profile it shows me 2 Connections and it is a hyperlink meant to show my connections (their profiles). But when I click on it nothing happens. Also reported it to support long time ago but not resolved
  • The logged out problem appears every now and then on Academy, Support, App store, Forum. Only the developer portal works fine