Rapid Developer Certification Exam

Hi All ,   I have registered for Rapid Developer Certification Exam . After clicking on Submit , I received an email about registration completion along with the attached PDF regarding ‘Mendix training terms’ . I don't want to attend any trainings and would like to appear for an exam as soon as possible. However , I don't have any idea about payment of exam fees. My question is – “How and when will I pay exam related fees so that I can complete my certification exam ? When and how will I complete payment process? Do I receive any email for the payment related steps ? ” Regards, Aasawari Bhagwat 
3 answers

Hi Aasawari,

This document is a standard document, which is covering all terms. classroom, virtual an online self-paced courses and exams.

When you register for the RAD exam, this registration must be processed, validating your payment info etc. (a creditcard payment would be a great option though) Once your registration is processed you will receive a mail with link to take the exam online.

Best, Rene


Can the exam once registered for be taken at any time you choose?


Can I retake the exam? Do I have to pay for retaking  the exam?
