Is it possible to sign somebody elses account out?

Hi all   I was wondering if it is possible to signout another user, other then myself, from a responsive application. Now we use nanoflow to signout a user, but we would like to be able to sign a user out of the app as an administrator.   Many thanks for the feedback. Kind regards   Kevin 
4 answers

Hi Kevin,

It is possible to end a session from a page. In the Administration module, you will find a page called “Active Sessions” 

From here you can logout a session. Be mindful about who can see this page, as the signout button is by default set to ignore security.


Good luck!


In the mendix studio pro I have you can find a screen with all active sessionss and it is possible to logout a session from that screen. I don’t know the consequences when used, but I assume as it is mendix standard it is well thought.



HI all


Thanks for the answers. Actually this is how we have things set up right now and it works for responsive app ( with a small delay). But if I kill a session of a user active in a hybrid app, the app just restarts and the user is logged in again…


Any idea how we can prevent this?


Hi Kevin Norman,

The scenario which you are facing is the default behaviour of a hybrid app in mendix and is because of the session token which is responsible for the user to go back the home page .

We have to kill the token for an user when the app reloads after a sucessful session kill. Changes have to be made to the hybrid app template before creating the build. 

