Questionnaire module for recommendation quiz

Hi everyone! i would like to build an app that allows the admin to create a product recommendation quiz i.e. the user answers a bunch of question and on the basis of how they answered the questions, they get a product recommended to them.  I started doing this with the app store questionnaire module, but I can’t quite figure out how to then generate a user specific result. Is the even possible with the questionnaire module? If so how would you go about it? Your help would be much appreciated!
2 answers

Hi Tariro Chingosho, 

Yes ofcourse you can use the questionnaire module for your scenario. You will need to do some customisation for the answers to be user specific . 

Keep a master questionnaire  entity and another copy of the questionnaire which holds the questions and answers to be user specific . You should always copy the questions from the master and push it to the duplicate questionnaire entity. This process can be done when ever you are creating a new user or depends upon your busines use case .

Hope this gives an idea to start 



General line: make a questionnaire, and have a user answer it. So far for the questionnaire module. Now use the answers of the user to select the product that you want to recommend. That is custom wisdom that you have to add by yourself.
