Input mask doesnt work since 2.5.0

Hi all, I am trying to boost-up the user experience on the data entry apps with a Mendix user friendly input-mask. But it doesn't show the mask like in 2.4.x.x. I just want to see mask e.g. 9-999-99999-99-9. But I see nothing in the input field at all. Normally I would see something like --_-_- Any idea or suggestion? Thanks in advance.
2 answers

I have tried this using version and get the field displaying: "--_-_-" with the input mask you mentioned. Only tested in Firefox 3.6.6. Probably fixed in the patch else it could be related to browser type/version and be a bug.



I have tested it on difference browsers and still cannot see the mask in the input element:

  • Firefox v3.6.3 (Windows), v3.6.6 (Windows) and v3.5.8 (Mac)
  • Chrome v5.0.375.99 (Windows) and v5.0.375.99 (Mac)
  • Safari v5.0 (5533.16) Mac
  • IE v6.0 (Windows)

But I just found out that the client doesn't show the mask ONLY if we put the input element in the conditional formatting. This is than a bug.

So input mask works in a normal form and sorry I forgot to tell you that I use the conditional formatting in my form (did not expect that it will affect the mask behavior).


