ATS Desktop Recorder not working

I’ve downloaded and installed the Mansystems ATS Desktop Recorder (windows 0.4) followed by the ATS Chrome extension v2 as instructed in the ATS help. In ATS, I create a new test case, select ‘record step’, wait a long while and nothing happens. After having a look around I found the following errors in the tn the chrome extension:  Failed to connect: Access to the specified native messaging host is forbidden. Unrecognized manifest key 'Extension_ID1'. After comparing the Recorder v2 ID (mkilokgbfghkjoflcagbfglpdmkkghbc) with that in the  com.mansystems.ats.recorder.json file (bbhjdcfbnbpoffamjgjkfionmnhciife) I saw that they were different. After updating the json to match the Recorder ID I’m getting a slightly different error: Failed to connect: Specified native messaging host not found. Any ideas anyone?  
1 answers

Hi Warren,

This is Andrej, I am part of the team working on ATS. ATS desktop recorder is having some problems with the Chrome web store and that is related to this issue. We are working to resolve the problems as fast as possible and will probably release a new version soon. In the meantime, we advise you to use the web recorder as a temporary workaround.

If you encounter any issues we would appreciate if you submit a support request to Mendix in addition to asking in the forum.


