Show images with products

I am making an shopping app where I want to upload products with their image how can I upload products with images because when I am taking the separate entity image in domain model and connecting it to system.image then it is showing me the details only of products not images I am sharing screenshot of it. Can anyone help me how to add product with images? I am using mendix version 8.18.1   It is only showing product description and other attributes but not the Images..
3 answers

you can select generalization from system.image for the product entity and can view the products by selecting the product_overview template.


Hi Samarpita,

Please find the below screenshots to get more details:

  1. select generalization from system.image for the product entity
  2. Create a page to view products using the shown template 


  1. You can create your page as per below screenshot using image viewer:

You need to choose the image association from the connector.
