How to use Siemens Email / Outlook Exchange inside a Mendix App? (Settings)
I am working on a Mendix app that has email integration. I have moved the app to the Siemens cloud for security reasons, so that it will allow me to use a Siemens email address / outlook exchange within the app. If the app was on Mendix cloud, this capability is blocked. As part of the setup, there are several settings that need to be input inside the app (See attachment). But I don't know what those settings should be. I have a ticket with Siemens IT ~40 days old and no response, so I wonder if anyone in the community knows how to do this, what settings do I need? Thanks in advance, Jeff
Jeff Leidlein
1 answers
If you use Exchange the interface is probably is not using smtp. You can try to use the Exchange Connector.