Why user roles are not displayed in the data grid?

I have a data grid where I need to display local users and their roles. For some reason, the role is displayed only for one user in the list (probably the first retrieved), and empty for the rest of them. How can I fix it?   The role is mapped to the data grid column and filters this way: Administration.Account/System.UserRoles/System.UserRole/System.UserRole.Name  
3 answers

Hello, maybe you also have to go to the security of your project, tab user role, click on the role you want, and below you will see some check box with user role, you just have to check the user role you want him to manage.

Keep in mind that checking that boxes mean that the user role will be able to manage other user (so only admin should have that allowed)


Hi, userroles have a xpath contraint. This causes the display issue.



Hi, we are having a similar screen and we dont have issues showing User roles for all users.

May be the users who do not show the user roles does not have any access to System module. Please check that in your project security → user roles tab.

Indeed there is an XPATH constraint on the UserRole entity, but that is ok. 

Is your Account or User entity specialization of System.user?

NOTE: below only a snippet of my screen.

Datagrid looks like
