Creating a form with attributes from two entities

I have two entities that have are associated, I am trying to create a form page to collect information for both entities, is there a way to do this. For example: The first entity contains two attributes, Name and Email Address, both string. The second entity contains Job Title which is a string. I created a Master Details page with the first entity as the data source and add a Job Title column, through the association I created. I then generated a new page (by right clicking on the new button), I added a Data View and set the data source to the second entity. When I load the page, I can see the the Label for the Job Title but I can not access the text box for it. Is there a reason that this is not working or is there another way around it?
3 answers

If I understand you correctly you need to use the reference selector. Look at this page for the documentation and adept that same process for your case.




If you need to be able to select an existing Job Title, then Ronald is right. However, if you expect an instance of a Job Title entity to be created then you'll need to add some logic. You could use an event handler on the first entity.


You should replace your New button with an Action button. Make the action button call a microflow, and in the microflow, you should have 3 activities:

  • Create Object: entity 2
  • Create Object: entity 1 (and set the association here to entity 2)
  • Show Page: your new page

That should do the trick.
