404 error Custom widget failure

  Hi All, I have created the text box using pluggable widgets and I could see new widget and its properties , however Mendix Studio pro is showing following error while running the application. Did anybody faced above issue while creating the custom widgets.   404 - file not found for file: widgets/vmp/textbox/TextBox.js scriptError: http://localhost:8080/widgets/vam/textbox/TextBox.js?637526433995878578 Error: scriptError: http://localhost:8080/widgets/vam/textbox/TextBox.js?637526433995878578     at d (http://localhost:8080/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?637526433995878578:5:553).   What am I missing. Please let me know.   Thanks in Advance.      
6 answers

what is your steps of building a pluggable widget, did you successfully npm run build ? What is the structure of your pluggable widget in vscode. Please share. 


I’ve got the same problem couldnt fix it.


Hi Ramesh,

you need to work on the src folder which gives you a XML file and component file you will have helloworld.jsx and in src folder textbox.jsx file you need to follow the steps do not work on the assets folder
U will see a XML file there if u edit anything in that
XML file it shows you the error 404 file not found to avoid this follow the above steps!!!



I face the same issue too


I had a similar issue. It turns out when scaffolding the widget I had written the name of my company in 2 words: Waste Labs. This created a broker folder structure in the dist folder when building the widget. Changing it to WasteLabs in one word solved it. 

I hope this helps! 


I had this issue and managed to solve it by recreating the widget but using the company name “Mendix”.

Having a custom company name made the file structure incorrect, I am not sure how you fix this so you can have a custom company name but using “Mendix” as the company name fixed this issue for me. 
