Advatages of mendix

Hi I am creating documentation on Mendix. I want to know what are the advantages of mendix in comparison with other Low-Code platforms. What  efforts are saved by mendix like in outsystems timesheet aproval save 4298 LOC and timesheet submission save 12972 LOC.
1 answers

Great! Love to see what your conclusions will be.

First of all: LOC, lines of code, is not a very comparable unit of measurement. You might want to, maybe already have, consider the alternative functionpoint and create a functionpoint analyses. Either way, in LOC or functionpoints, this is the quantity of the resulting application.

Second: you need to define the cost of the application. Just building, or also maintenance? Quantify in hours or in euro’s? And does it count if you just invoke an industry solution? Several are available on, among which: Requests&Approvals.

But since you are looking for answers rather than questions,. here are some Mendix pro’s:

- The fact that Mendix IDE integrates a lot that an application needs:

  • the datamodel, including access rights, validation, and events
  • authentication (who are you?)
  • authorization (the crud, defining what are you allowed to read/create/write/delete)
  • debugging, both when running your app locally, and for debugging any environment

- Change management, though hugely under appreciated by many (even by Mendix), you can use sprintr to fully administrate sprints, stories and tasks, gather feedback from the users, add pokered points and link every commit to a story of the current sprint.

- System management. Totally hassle free, fully done by Mendix in their V4 cloud. Backups, monitoring, support.

- Team management. You can add developers, PO’s, Stakeholders, Citizen developers and have the communication done in

Please place you conclusions somewhere public once that is possible. Love to see your view.



