An error occurred (error code 1). Please contact your nearest Mendix cloud provider.

Hello All, I am trying to run my first application in Mendix (v 2.5-trial build 48) by following the "Get started - Deploy in 3 minutes!" tutorial. I donwload Pizza Mario app and theme, click "run" - modeller shown a pop-up window with following error and one "yes" button: An error occurred (error code 1). Please contact your nearest Mendix cloud provider. After cliking "yes" - the modeller seem does some generations, compiles and tries to deploy, but then the same error window appers again. An error occurred (error code 1). Please contact your nearest Mendix cloud provider. After clicking "yes" - again the only choice - medlix does nothing. At no stage any messages (errors or warnings) appear in the console section. What's wrong? Thanks for help, Alex.
1 answers

It seems something went wrong. You obviously have received a trial version of our product which can only deploy on our cloud environment instead of at your local computer. However, you do not have access to our cloud environment yet, so deployment is not possible.

Please ask your contact person for a full version (to deploy local) or access to the Mendix cloud to solve your issue.
