Inputbox microflow

Hello everyone, I am a student learning mendix as part of a project. For this project I want to have multiple inputboxes where you can put in values, which after pressing a ‘calculate’ button, are used in a microflow where a calculation is done using these values.  I could not get these inputboxes to work myself, and had difficulty finding resources online that I could use for this specific question. How do I create inputboxes whose values I can use in a microflow that runs a calculation using these inputs?
3 answers

Hi Lucas, 

Yes, Sjors is right. That is the best solution 

The following documentation will guide you in a right path in terms of creating entity and microflows.



Hi Lucas,

Create one entity with different attributes for all your inputboxes and one attribute for your result.

Place a dataview on the page with this entity as parameter. In this dataview (or in the footer) place your microflow button. Your entity should now be available as inputparameter for this microflow, where you can use all the attributes for your calculations. This is done by adding actions in your microflow, for instance ‘create varabiable’ or ‘change object’. Make sure to check for empty values to not get any unexpected bugs ;)


Place all these input textboxes inside dataview and create one entity, add attributes to those entities then, select this entity as a datasource for this dataview. for calculation button you can select a onclick event as a call a microflow, the microflow in which calculation logic is done.

hope so it will give you results.
